Texas SD-1 SREC Means

Getting Leadership & Honesty

We are committed to uniting in principles and advancing the Republican Party of Texas Platform, and growing the party.

Listen to Our Constituents

Our Campaign

Focus on supporting and defending the Republican Platform, giving guidance and encouragement to our Republican legislators and other elected officials all across Texas. Be an active participant in the Republican Party of Texas as a delegate, precinct chair, or volunteer.
Help Make a Difference

Join Volunteers

You can be part of a team that impacts and transforms people’s decisions to make a difference for good in your community, county and the great state of Texas. Don’t idly stand by and let our freedoms be taken.
Uphold Freedom and Sovereignty

Our Mission

Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all the States. Our mission is to organize and unite SD-1 Republicans in principles to advance our platform through advocacy and voter engagement.

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Time for a new generation of leaders to step up!








Our Goals

Guardians of the Republican Platform & SREC Reproducibility

Objective 1: Stalwart Protectors of Republican Principles

  • Vigilantly defend the Texas Republican Party Platform, championing values such as individual liberty, limited government, strong families, and secure borders.

Objective 2: Ensuring SREC Reproducibility

  • Implement and enforce the guidelines outlined in the General Rules for All Conventions and Meetings, ensuring the transparency, integrity, and reproducibility of SREC proceedings.

Empowering Texas Senate District 1

Objective 3: Igniting Informed Voters

  • Ignite a passion for informed voting through comprehensive voter education, empowering constituents to actively participate in our democratic processes.

Objective 4: Strengthening Grassroots Connections

  • Forge unbreakable grassroots connections by orchestrating community engagements, extending our reach across diverse backgrounds, and nurturing a spirit of unity.

Shaping a Resolute Texas Future

Objective 5: Advocating for Texas’ Sovereignty

  • Unapologetically advocate for Texas’ sovereignty at both state and national levels, staunchly defending our state’s interests and guaranteeing a prosperous future.

Objective 6: Unifying Texans Under Our Banner

  • Rally Texans under the Republican banner, ensuring every voice is amplified and heard within Senate District 1.

By committing to these objectives, the Texas Senate District 1, State Republican Executive Committee, upholds its mission, safeguards its platform, and empowers the people of Texas to actively shape the destiny of our great state.

Who We Represent?


In the heart of Texas, we’re forging a path toward a better life filled with enjoyment, happiness, and cherished moments with family. We stand as guardians of the Republican platform, ensuring SREC’s transparency and integrity. We empower informed voters, strengthen grassroots bonds, and fiercely advocate for Texas’ sovereignty. Together, under the Republican banner, we shape a brighter, more joyful future for Senate District 1.


In Senate District 1, we believe in health care that empowers choices and safeguards the doctor-patient relationship. We stand as guardians of the Republican platform, ensuring freedom from government overreach. Our commitment is unwavering: we empower informed voters, strengthen grassroots bonds, and advocate for the healthcare you deserve, free from mandates and regulations. Your health, your choice.


In Senate District 1, we champion education that empowers parents to review curriculum without fear. We stand as guardians of the Republican platform, defending unbiased learning. Our commitment is unyielding: we empower informed voters, strengthen grassroots bonds, and advocate for education free from hidden agendas. Let our children learn freely, untainted by federal overreach.

Contact Us

Christin Bently: 1 (619) 894-0676
Donnie Wisenbaker: 1 (903) 439-4591
P.O. Box 131914
Tyler, TX 75713 , US
Christin Bently: [email protected]
Donnie Wisenbaker: [email protected]